
About us

Hey, y’all! I’m Abigail, owner and head writer at Prometheus Copywriting. With experience writing for brands like Salesforce, HubSpot, and more, I’m passionate about helping brands tell their story across verticals. I do my best work at the intersection of complex data and creative communication. 

Favorite things include:

  • Good words
  • Ethical marketing
  • Blueberry donuts🍩

Prometheus Copywriting is the culmination of many years in the marketing space, and I’m thrilled to have reached a point in my career where I can do what I do best (write good stuff), for some of the coolest brands out there.

Why does human-first copywriting matter?

Last time we checked, it’s still humans who browse the web, resonate with brands, and make purchasing decisions. When you use generative AI to effectively average all the content that’s come before, you're not standing out in the marketplace. In fact, you’re doing the opposite: you’re blending in. When you use generative AI, you aren’t saying anything new or interesting. All you’re doing is repeating the same things over and over.


And for some projects, that’s fine! Sometimes, we don’t need to reinvent the wheel. 

But if you’re trying to establish thought leadership, brand voice, or just add something meaningful to the conversations in your industry, you need something a little more. And that’s where we come in. 

Here at Prometheus Copywriting, we exist for the purpose of writing content by humans, for humans. Your customers aren’t robots, so why would you rely on a robot to reach them effectively? 

What services do you not offer?

While there are lots of awesome ways to create and optimize content—and exceptions to almost every rule—there are a few ways to make the most of our partnership right out of the gate by avoiding certain situations. 

In general, we do not offer…

  • Social media management, especially video (We find this is usually best managed in-house) 
  • In-depth SEO strategy for established brands (We work best in partnership with your SEO experts!)
  • Advanced data analysis (We love your long-form reports, but we don’t love Excel)

Who’s Prometheus? Isn’t that something from Greek mythology?

We’re so glad you asked. Prometheus is the Titan (demigod, for the Percy Jackson fans) credited with bringing fire, technology, and civilization to humans in Greek mythology. He stole that fire from Olympus, and was punished for this crime by Zeus, king of the Olympian gods, with eternal torment. Specifically, having his liver eaten by eagles every day. (True story.)

Around here, we do a little less in the lacerated liver department, and a little more just bringing fire to your business. ;)

Ready to get started?